Storage and transport solutions

Optimises the production flow with advanced storage and transport systems Definitive Innovation

The strategic and continuous management of raw materials is of crucial importance in industrial systems.
The safe and systematic storage of bulk ingredients optimises work flows, maintains product quality and improves production efficiency.

In particular, powder materials have different characteristics, which is why storage systems vary in size, shape and capacity.

Silos, containers and hoppers are essential to streamline the supply chain and support production. In addition, these systems optimise operational flows, while maintaining product quality and improving overall production efficiency.

Definitive Innovation offers complete powder extraction and material conveying solutions. Our systems include flat-bottomed extractors, emptying and filling big-bags, transport and extraction screws, flexible screws and conveyor belts.

The pneumatic conveying of bulk materials uses the force of air to move bulk materials through sealed piping. For both fine powders and granules, this method represents a more efficient alternative to mechanical conveyors that are used to transport the majority of bulk materials within production plants.

Depending on the powder material handled, the distance to be covered and the throughput that must be achieved, dilute phase pneumatic conveying, which can be either vacuum or pressure, or dense phase pneumatic conveying by means of a propulsor, is used.

Dilute phase pneumatic conveying

Dilute phase pneumatic conveying is the ideal solution for transferring powders, granules and light flakes over short or medium distances. Also known as “low pressure conveying”, this method uses the vacuum of a generator to move the materials inside the pipes. Conveying capacities can reach up to 10 tonnes/hour, with variable speeds between 20 and 25 metres per second, depending on the material being conveyed.

Dilute phase pneumatic conveying is perfect for resistant and non-abrasive materials, but less suitable for mixed products that may lead to the particle separation of compounds.

This solution is easy to manage and has low performance and energy costs. The wide range of Definitive Innovation pneumatic loaders, combined with vacuum generators and specific components, allows us to meet multiple plant requirements in different sectors.

Dense phase pneumatic conveying

Dense phase pneumatic conveying uses small quantities of compressed air to move large quantities of product even over long distances. The use of in-line fluidising systems suitably placed along the conveyor line, thanks to the injection of small pulses of air, allows the creation of regular slugs of product, making the product advance smoothly and at low speeds.

This method is particularly suitable for conveying mixed, fragile or abrasive products because it minimises particle stress.

Our storage and transport solutions

Do you want to know more?

Thanks to our storage silos and conveyor belts, you can optimise the efficiency and safety of your production processes, contact us today for a no-obligation consultancy.